Cognitive Behavioral Therapist & Author

Jennifer Shannon


I am a licensed psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety. I have worked with children, teens and adults since 1985. Originally trained as a psychodynamic or “talk” therapist, I noted that while my clients felt better, I sought more lasting and permanent change for them. Then I attended a UC Berkeley course taught by my first mentor, Michael Tompkins Ph.D. on evidence-based treatment.

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Riding the ‘Pollercoaster’ in an Election Year


As this election season closes in on us, I have a new article on the ADAA website that may be helpful for many of us experiencing anxiety as the election draws near.  Click the link below to read the article and to share with people you know who might benefit from it.

Read more here…

Have Teens? Know Teens? Love Teens?
Visit our new site especially for teens!


By Jennifer Shannon

Don’t Feed The Monkey Mind

How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Fear, and Worry

The very things we do to control anxiety can make anxiety worse. This unique guide offers a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based approach to help you recognize the constant chatter of your anxious “monkey mind,” stop feeding anxious thoughts, and find the personal peace you crave.

By Jennifer Shannon

The Monkey Mind Workout for Uncertainty

Break  Free from Anxiety & Build Resilience in 30 days!

Outsmart your monkey mind and build the mental muscle it takes to face uncertainty with calm confidence!

Do you lie awake at night worrying? Are you anxious about your own health and well-being? Do you stress about paying the bills, or wonder if you’ll be able to cover unexpected expenses? Do you obsess about politics or the state of the world in general? If the answer is “yes,” you are far from alone. In a world where the future is increasingly uncertain, it’s easy to wallow in what-ifs. But over time, anxious “chatter”—also known as your “monkey mind”—can get in the way of living a full and meaningful life. So, how can you quiet the monkey and stop feeling like you’re living in a constant state of emergency?

This book comes with access to downloadable worksheets and audio recordings to support your workout!

By Jennifer Shannon

The Monkey Mind Workout for Perfection

Break Free from Anxiety and Build Self-Compassion in 30 Days!

A 30-day cognitive workout to help you cultivate self-acceptance, resilience, and the “mental muscle” needed to thrive in an imperfect world!

Do you hold yourself—and others—to unrealistically high standards? Are you afraid of making mistakes? Do you live for to-do lists and deadlines, and yearn for flawlessness? You aren’t alone. In our competitive, high-pressure world, it’s natural to strive for excellence. But over time, these perfectionistic tendencies can feed the internal anxious “chatter” known as your “monkey mind.” So, how can you quiet the monkey and stop feeling like you need to be perfect all the time?

This book comes with access to downloadable worksheets and audio recordings to support your workout!

Welcoming Uncertainty

Uncertainty is and always has been a part of life, no matter what we do. The greater our acceptance of it, the more relaxed, happy, and grounded we will be. Every new thing we’re uncertain about is an opportunity to practice thinking more accurately, increasing our capacity to tolerate negative emotions, and controlling our impulsive behavior. Active acceptance is how we cultivate peace, presence, and happiness in our lives. When we learn to actively accept it, uncertainty becomes a gift.

Are You a Perfectionist?

Do you hold yourself—and others—to unrealistically high standards? Are you afraid of making mistakes? Do you live for to-do lists and deadlines, and yearn for flawlessness? You aren’t alone. In our competitive, high-pressure world, it’s natural to strive for excellence. But over time, these perfectionistic tendencies can feed the internal anxious “chatter” known as your “monkey mind.” So, how can you quiet the monkey and stop feeling like you need to be perfect all the time?


“If you are ready to turn the tables on your anxiety, you can find no better book than Don’t Feed the Monkey Mind. Jennifer Shannon will help you turn away from the enticing tactics fearful worry and teach you how to return to the life you love.”

—Reid Wilson, Ph.D., author, Stopping the Noise in Your Head


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