Getting back into the world can be scary.  The other day I went into town to a yarn shop. I was expecting a fairly empty environment, with a few masked people wondering around. So I was surprised to have trouble finding a parking place, and to see lots of people going in and out of stores. Before COVID, and all the lockdowns, this scene wouldn’t have phased me one bit. But my feelings about being in public places had changed. Now, I felt anxious and overwhelmed.

I know I am not alone. As more people get vaccinated and restrictions are lifting, we are faced with decisions about going back to work in person, sending our kids to school, getting together with friends and family. This is good news, but just the same, many of us have gotten used to a slower more isolated existence. Even a positive change like a more dynamic and visible community can make us feel apprehensive.

This is an ideal time to learn skills that will not only help us cope with anxiety, but to thrive in the everyday uncertainty that life presents us with. If this sounds good to you, I recommend you check out this class that my respected colleague, Kaitlin Soule is offering.

From Kaitlin:

In the spirit of being able to help more people, in a time and cost-efficient way (less than half the price of 6 sessions of therapy), I’ve created a 6-week workshop series, grounded in ACT and CBT, to help you do the work of healing your relationship with anxiety so that you can live with less fear and enjoy more freedom. 

 This class starts May 1st, so don’t wait if you are interested!


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