Easygoing Quiz

Read each statement and answer how much you agree with it.
3 = Strongly Agree
2 = Agree
1 = Somewhat Agree
0 = Don’t Agree

_____ I don’t tend to worry about my or other’s safety.

_____ I am willing to allow others to experience the consequence of their actions or inaction.

_____ When things do not go as planned I am excited by what might happen instead.

_____ I am comfortable setting a limit or stating a preference, even if others disagree.

_____ My mistakes are what make me human and are on opportunity for growth.

_____ I am flexible with plans I or others make.

_____ I do my personal best rather than compare myself to others.

_____ I tend to prioritize my self-care needs.

_____ I assume safety unless there is clear evidence of danger.

_____ I am motivated by excellence more than fear of failure.

_____ Your Total Score

The higher your score the more easy-going you and may benefit from some fine tuning. The lower your score the more you would benefit from easy going practice.

23-30 Very Easy Going      16-22 Pretty Easy Going      9-21 Somewhat Easy Going      0-8 Not Very Easy Going



If you prefer you can download the Easygoing Quiz as a .pdf file here.

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